Paul VI wearing the Jewish-Freemasonic ephod and the breastplate of judgment of the Levitical High Priest


Why did Paul VI wear the ephod and the breastplate of judgment of the Levitical High Priest? The Rev. Joaquin Sáenz y Arriaga in “The New Montinian Church” (pp. 386-390), provides the answers.


It is probable that Paul VI's pictures bearing the breastplate of judgment and the ephod of the Levitical Jewish high priest have given us the decisive key [to the Montinian revolution].


To establish a world government it was also urgent to establish universal religion: the religion of world brotherhood, ecumenism, and dialogue, a sort of religious syncretism in which dogmas would be eliminated or muffled, morality corrupted, and discipline suppressed, and all rel igions would be merged into a single religion, the basis and complement of world govemment. Was there any more intelligent way of carrying out this program, than forming a Council where the prelates, skillfully led by Pope Montini, enacted ecumenism, aggiornamento, religious freedom, and a total reform of its liturgy, morality, discipline, law, and even dogmas? All this had to be done cunningly, dialectically, and with the skill of professionals who promised a spring in the Church, a new Pentecost. In this mass movement, false rights, brainwashing, numerous national and international associations (such as the Short Courses in Christianity and the Christian Family Movement), the continuous conferences of clergymen and laymen to indoctrinate neophytes of the new religion, the "experiences," the post Conciliar terminology (authenticity, engagement, conscientization, relativization, de-sacralization, etc.), all were able means to bring about the necessary confusion, the elimination of old prejudices and beliefs, and the scruples of conscience which necessarily had to appear with the creation of the new religion of world brotherhood. All this could be done only by putting the power of the Church into the hands of those that the mafia could rely on. Jewry was playing its decisive card and to attain its ambition, engaged all its resources to infiltrate the Vatican.


The denunciation of Paul VI's wearing of the ephod and breastplate as shown in almost all of his pictures, and as blasted by Abbe Georges de Nantes in his Counter-Reformation, turned suspicion into fear, for many people felt that John Baptist Montini had mounted to the Pontificate in an invalid way and as a result was not a real Pope. The ceremonial Jewish necklace which Paul VI wore allows us to suspect that Paul VI may not only be the most efficient tool of the Jewish mafia, but also a member of this mafia, for which reason, besides the pectoral cross and the fisherman's ring, he wears the breastplate of judgment and the ephod of the Levitical high priest, the descendant of Caiphas.

The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, published at San Antonio, Texas, by Albert Gallatin Mackey, M.D. 33°, the author of the Lexicon of Freemasonry and a textbook on Masonic jurisprudence, gives us interesting data on the breastplate of judgment belonging to the Levitical high priest, and the use which this badge presently has in the lodges: “…The breastplate is worn in the [Masonic] American Chapters of the Royal Arch, by the high priest, as an official part of his official ornaments. According to Webb, the symbolical meaning is remind him of his responsibility before to laws and regulations of the institution, and that the honor and interests of his chapter are always the tenderest affections of his heart. This is not materially different from the ancient symbolism, since one of the names of the Jewish breastplate was that of ‘reminder,’ for it was designed to remind the high priest of the love he owed to the tribes whose names were written on it.”

This is what the Encyclopedia of Freemamonry tells us. Then, when we see this strange amulet on the present Pontiffs breast, we can boldly suspect a Jewish influence or a Masonic influence, or both, on Pope Montini, since this badge has been worn only by the Levitical or the Masonic high priest. Our suspicion increases when we realize that never before had a Pope worn this jewel on his breast. Paul VI well knows what this breastplate of judgment and this ephod mean. He knows the origin is to be found in the ritual vestments of the Old Covenant. He knows that the Masons use it as a distinctive emblem of their high priest. Can we accept that he naively put on this amulet to please those who gave it to him, without realizing the responsibility this entails? He who disposed of the Pontifical tiara to auction it at the New York World's Fair because the Council had proclaimed the end of the triumphal Constantinian Church and the beginning of the Church of the poor, banishes all scruples and wears this highly esteemed amulet, and shows up before the initiates, not as the Pope of the Catholic Church, the successor of Peter, the Vicar of Christ, but as the Levitical high priest, the successor and representative of Caiphas.

The Pope's pectoral cross and this strange amulet are so incompatible that, if in the Old Covenant, in the religion of the promise and the preparation, it was a ritualistic symbol of the high priest, conferred by God Himself to signify a divine predilection, then in the New Covenant, on the breast of Christ's Vicar, it almost means a denial of Christ and His religion, for Christ is no longer a promise, but a wonderful reality. This is as if Paul VI, in wearing this ritualistic emblem of the Levitical high priest, wanted it to mean that he does not accept the reality that has been substituted for the image, the figure, and the promise made by God. Connecting the breastplate of judgment and the ephod to Christ's cross, Pope Montini seems to give us the impression that he intends to unite Christ and the Antichrist…

It is important to remark that what we have quoted from the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry demonstrates the existing links between the Jewish mafia and the Masonic lodges. Jewry engendered Masonry to make use of it as a most valuable tool of its satanic work of destroying Christ and His Church. Using the breastplate of judgment and the ephod, Pope Montini is telling us that he is a docile instrument, a sympathizer and a friend of both Judaism and Masonry. These coincidences might perhaps prove that John Baptist Montini, a Jew by familial descent, was an instrument prepared by the mafia to infiltrate and dominate the Church. The holy Priest of Ars wrote: "We cannot analyze the behavior of the Hebrews without becoming astounded." The role these people have had in the course of history is unbelievable. Formerly they were predestined by God, but, due to their iniquities, they became the permanent enemies of God and Christ…
