Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII: Initiate of the "Ur-Lodges" "Ghedullah" and "Montesquieu"
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Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII next to Giovanni Battista Montini, future Paul VI |
According to historian and progressive Freemason Gioele Magaldi, founder of the Masonic movement Grande Oriente Democratico and author of Massoni. Società a responsabilità illimitata. La scoperta delle Ur-Lodges, Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII was initiated into Freemasonry in the "Ghedullah" (Istanbul) and "Montesquieu" (Paris) "Ur-Lodges".
Giole Magaldi contends in Massoni that these so-called "Ur-Lodges" are something
like “super-lodges” (with an estimated number of 36 around the world): a higher
echelon of the Masonic international elites, transnational secret lodges which
include members from the highest echelons of international politics, banking,
and the industrial sectors. These Lodges meet in secret and conduct business quite
independently of their home nations, often including members ostensibly
ideologically opposed in the public arena but who all in reality share the same
key interests in establishing world oligarchical rule.
Some other prominent Masons besides
Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII involved at various levels in the economic sphere
and political world are listed in the book:
- Barack Obama (“Maat”, Ur-Lodge founded by Zbiegniew Brzezinski)
- Vladimir
Putin (“Golden Eurasia”)
Angela Merkel (“Golden Eurasia”, “Valhalla”, “Parsifal”)
- Christine Lagarde (FMI
Director: “Three Eyes”, “Pan-Europa”)
- George W. Bush (“Hathor
- Condoleezza Rice (“Three
Eyes”, “Hathor Pentalpha”)
- Madeleine Albright (Secretary
of State under Clinton: “Three Eyes”, “Leviathan”)
- Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (Leader
of “Isis” and so-called Islamic Caliphate: “Hathor Pentalpha”)
- Tony Blair (“Edmund
Burke”, “Hathor Pentalpha”)
- David Cameron (“Edmund
Burke”, “Geburah”)
- Mariano Rajoy (Former
“conservative” Prime Minister of Spain: “Pan-Europa”, “Valhalla”, “Parsifal”);
- Antonis Samaras (Former
Greek Prime Minister: “Three Eyes”)
- Nicolas Sarkozy (“Edmund
Burke”, “Geburah”, “Atlantis-Aletheia”, “Pan-Europa”, “Hathor Pentalpha”);
- Manuel Valls (Former
French Prime Minister: first Grand Orient de France then “Edmund Burke”, “Compass
Star-Rose/Rosa-Stella Ventorum”, “Der Ring”)
Herein is my personal translation of the excerpts
relating to Angelo Roncalli’s/John XXIII’s double initiations:
Massoni. Società a responsabilità illimitata. La scoperta
delle Ur-Lodges by Gioele Magaldi
Chapter 4
Freemason and Rosicrucian Angelo Roncalli alias Pope
John XXIII, the Second Vatican Council and the dream of a modern harmony between
religious exotericism and Masonic esotericism in function of a renewed era of
equality, brotherhood and freedom (1958-1968)
Wherein are
described the initiations of the first Freemasonic pope, the Second Vatican Council
and the secret archives of the Ur-Lodge «Ghedullah»
-The first
masonic pope
Just after
the first half of the twentieth century, also on the long wave of collaborative
efforts between the Vatican and masonic circles (both elitist and progressive) for the creation of
the European Union, a unique project matured for the further collaboration
between certain sectors within Freemasonry and Catholicism... On the joint
proposal of the lodge "Ecclesia", an "Ur-lodge" found not
only in the Vatican but, like the paramasonic society B'nai B'rith, operating
throughout the planet...and the "Ur-lodges"
Columbus"..."Ioannes"..."Hiram Rhodes Revels"...and
"Ghedullah"...a subversive and
epochal project was conceived and brought to completion...
The project
envisaged favouring the election - for the first time in history - of a
spiritually innovative Masonic pope
and, jointly - another historic first - of a Catholic and not a Masonic, but a
progressive-oriented president of the United States. And the project came to fruition.
Roncalli received his first Masonic initiation in Istanbul in 1940 (not in
1935, as has been said and written...).
However, it
will be another five years before Roncalli accepts the invitation to become a
Freemason, being initiated at the Ur-Lodge..."Ghedullah", composed
mostly of Jews and Catholic Christians, Orthodox and members of the various
Eastern rites, and who were particularly engaged on an esoteric-spiritual level
in the study and practice of the Kabbalah (both Jewish and Renaissance
Christian Kabbalah), of hesychasm and of the Rosicrucian tradition.
From here Roncalli,
appointed in December 1944 apostolic nuncio in France, based in Paris (where he
remained until 1953), will receive a second masonic initiation in the French
capital, again at one of the modern and hyper militant Ur-Lodges (in this case
the "Montesquieu")...Again in this case, during the peculiar
affiliation/initiation that recognized all three degrees in the same ritual
session (previously granted over the span of three years at the Ur-Lodge
"Ghedullah"), further bestowing the fourth degree of "Master
legislator", as is customary for members of the «Montesquieu» lodge, a very Catholic [Scottish Rite] Freemason who was also a Knight of Malta
was present (like Von Papen in 1940), indeed a Minister of the S.M.O.M.
(the Sovereign Military Order of Malta) in Paris, that is, Baron Yves Marsaudon… [I]n 1950, the Apostolic Nuncio in
France, at the suggestion of his fraternal friends from the Ur-Lodge
"Ghedullah", who put him in contact with a Parisian Rosicrucian group
connected in turn to another supranational Ur-Lodge, the "Ioannes",
he was officially initiated as a "Rosicrucian brother"….The Masonic
activities of Angelo Roncalli and his own perception of himself as a true
Catholic and a true Freemason were marked by a clear perception of the
different and complementary type of universalities to which the Catholic Church
and Freemasonry were called, respectively….For
the Roncalli that emerges [between 1950 and 1958] summary, only the true
mason and Rosacrucian can be a good priest, a good bishop, and a good shepherd
of souls. Only the practitioners of disciplines such as alchemy and the
Kabbalah (Christian and Jewish) can understand and transmit the real meaning of
initiation into the mysteries of Christ and His Cross.
Unique was the event in which fellow masonic brother, the president of the French Republic, the socialist Vincent Auriol...desired to reinstate an old privilege of the transalpine State (also granted to the French monarchs) and, in a solemn ceremony held at the Elysée, bestowed on Roncalli the cardinal's hat... Needless to say, it is impossible to understand the unexpected opening which Roncalli made to he socialist Party of Italy, during his tenure as Patriarch of Venice, if not in the light of the presence in the PSI [Socialist Party of Italy] of various Freemasonic brethren. Just as "John" (XXIII) can hardly be understood as the choice of [papal] 1958 (after many centuries when no pontiff had taken up this name, made problematic due to the figure of Baldassarre Cossa - 1370-1419 -, antipope with the name of John XXIII), if not by recalling that the lodges of western tradition begin their work in masonic temples by opening the Biblical text at the opening page for the Gospel of St John the Evangelist: "In the beginning was the Word/Logos" - and that the birth of modern speculative masonry dates back to 24 June 1717, the feast of St John the Baptist.
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